If you want more information about creating an account, please read the follow article.
How to register on BEES for the first time.
If you don't know your account number or invoice number, try to find it at some invoice you might have, sometimes this information is there, like the following example:
Note: The invoice must be less than 360 days old. If you don't have an invoice like that or it didn't work, please reach your wholesaler to get the account, invoice and zip code information.
- If you are waiting for some e-mail with code and did not received it yet, check your spam folder for a BEES e-mail.
- If you are waiting to receive a SMS verification code and have not received, please confirm your costumer profile has the correct phone number tide to it.
myBEES USA app:
If neither of these options worked for you, please contact BEES Support by clicking the link at the bottom of any page.