Here you are going to find the instructions to check your upcoming deliveries.
This article contains in the following sections, check upcoming delivery:
Check upcoming delivery within myBEES USA new app
1. On the home page, click on the menu "Account".
2. Click on "Orders".
3. On the screen below you can check the upcoming deliveries.
Same experience Android and iOS.
Check upcoming delivery within myBEES USA new web version.
1. On the home page, click on your Account name.
2. Click on "Orders".
3. On the screen below you can see the upcoming deliveries.
Once an order is placed on BEES, it will then be processed by your wholesaler's route accounting system (RAS). For this reason, it may take a few minutes for BEES to reflect your must recent order on "My Orders" page. Additionally, an order confirmation will be sent to the user who placed the order via e-mail.
Once the invoice is generated for your order, your order history will now show up on your invoice tab.
The picture below shows the flow of orders and invoices: