On you account tab you can also see your wholesaler contact. For specific details regarding your wholesaler contact please refer to How to access my Sales Rep name and Contact Info in BEES?
How do I find account details within myBEES USA new app?
1. On the home page, access the menu and click on "Account".
2. On the account page, click on the "Account" tab
On the screen above you are going to find your account info, wholesaler contact,
liquor license information and personal information.
If you are looking to update your account details, please refer to How to update customer information?
How to I find account details within myBEES USA new web version?
1. On the account page, click on your account name
2. On the account page, click on the "Account" option
3. On the "Account" page you are going to find the sections: Account information, Personal information, Address Information, Credit Information and Change language option.
If you are looking to update your account details, please refer to How to update customer information?